Pros and cons of a smart home

Home devices are getting smarter. Indeed, over the past decade, smart products have skyrocketed in popularity due to their ability to connect with other devices and create an integrated system for any kind of household. They cover everything from TVs to heating, but how effective are smart systems when it comes to home security? How comfortable should you be depending on them?

Whilst the benefits may be obvious, there are also some possible compromises in the security of smart home security.

Pro: The Convenience

Beginning with the obvious, an interconnected system of smart security devices is almost always easier to use and can offer several quality of life features. Products such as video doorbells allow you to view the front of your home from anywhere via a smartphone, whereas Smart Locks remove the need for keys whilst aiming to maintain your security. As a result, smart home security systems tend to be more intuitive and convenient than traditional measures.

Pro: Greater Peace of Mind

The fact that most smart home devices can be operated remotely provides significant peace of mind when it comes to security. It means checking alarm systems or cameras from anywhere, so homeowners can relax when they’re away, and are then updated quicker if there’s an issue.

Pro: Easy Upgrades

An additional perk of smart home products is that it’s easy to start small and build a security system at your own pace. Smart plugs, for instance, can be used simply to leave lights on when you’re away, making them a cost-effective place to begin before upgrading to smart alarms or video doorbells if you choose.

On the other hand, there are also unique upgrade ideas such as Smart Security Drones for those looking for something more comprehensive. This flexibility can therefore provide a lot of choice for how to approach smart home security!

Con: The Vulnerabilities

The privacy of the data households give to their smart devices is something that We’ve Discussed Before. Whilst security is constantly improving and issues with smart home products are rare, data breaches and cyber-attacks do occur and are something to consider when choosing which devices to get. This, on top of the dependency that smart homes can have to internet access, does leave some potential vulnerability when it comes to security.

Con: False Alarms

Smart security products pick up a lot of information and, despite this being a positive most of the time, it can mean that you experience some false alarms. This can be somewhat annoying and can make some people a bit uneasy to be fully dependent on smart technology for their home security.

Con: The Cost of Smart Home Security

As we discussed above, the cost of smart security systems is pretty flexible. Sadly though, with much of this technology still fairly new, smart alarms, doorbells, and locks can all be quite costly. Therefore, it may be helpful to review your current home security and see which areas could do with an upgrade, especially if you are on a budget.

Watchful Eye Security Ltd provide residential security services for local communities and businesses – discover more here.

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