Event security trusted by the best

Watchful eye security know that safety is paramount at any event and cannot be compromised.

We provide licensed professional security operatives for all manner of events from prestige red carpet awards to private functions and everything in between. Every event comes with its own unique challenges but we pride ourselves on offering the same level of service to all.
We liaise with event organisers, local licensing authorities and the Police to ensure that events receive a truly collaborative approach. We cover all aspects of event security including;

Charity Events – Our highly trained security guards will ensure that all your hard work is recognised, and your event is a huge success.
Corporate event security – Our qualified security guards are trained to the highest of standards to ensure your event runs as anticipated.
Festival and concert security – Our security officers are highly trained in access and crowd control, and emergency planning procedure to ensure your event is always as planned.
Sporting event security – Our officers will take care of the finer points, including ticket management, crowd control, car park security and VIP security management.

We also deploy licensed and experienced operatives to the following areas:

SIA officers
Safety officers
Door supervisors
Pit crew & backstage teams
Hospitality staff
Tactical first aid response team
Close protection
Anti-tout teams
Covert teams

From smaller occasions in Yeovil, Bath, Barnsnatple and Bristol to some of the UK’s largest and most famous events, we have provided security and event management of the highest standard to ensure the safety of the event and those involved.

If you are planning an event of any type and size, contact us for free and friendly advice

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