28% of businesses saw an increase in security incidents in 2022

A majority of organisations saw steady or increasing levels of physical security incidents in 2022, with 69% of businesses seeing no change and 28% of businesses experiencing an increase. However, many businesses have not updated their security strategies, despite believing these incidents will continue to rise in 2023.

The State of Physical Security Entering 2023 report from Pro-Vigil polled 149 operations leaders across a range of industries including construction, dealerships (car/truck/boat/RV), retail and manufacturing to better understand the physical security threats businesses are facing today.

The survey found that 28% of organizations saw an increase in physical security incidents in 2022, matching the mark from Pro-Vigil’s 2021 survey and up from just 20% in 2020. Thirty-nine percent of respondents believe the state of the economy is the cause behind rising security incidents, while 26% believe the supply chain is to blame.

Other report findings include:

  • Organizations see significant theft levels: When it comes to the type of incidents impacting businesses most, almost half (48%) say theft is to blame.
  • Physical security incidents impact business: 40% of respondents reported project delays and 25% reported that their cash flow has taken a hit.
  • Security leaders respond to safety incidents: In the face of steady & rising physical security incidents, 58% of respondents indicated that they have changed their security strategy.

As mainstream media continues to report the cost of living crisis, agencies are also reporting steady increase in crime incidents. If you have concerns about your current security arrangements, please contact us for free friendly advice.

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