“Biggest shake-up” of airport security in decades

THE DEPARTMENT for Transport has just announced that the rules around taking liquids and large electrical items through airport security are set to change by 2024 with the installation of new security technology at major airports right across the UK.

Across the next two years, most major airports will introduce cutting-edge systems into their security checkpoints, in turn ushering in a new era of improved security and passenger experience when going through departures.

Not only will it mean greater convenience for travellers – as people will no longer need to spend time taking items out of their bags – but it will also enhance passenger safety on the basis that security personnel will have more detailed images of what people are carrying.

The Government is laying new legislation in Parliament which will make it easier to streamline the processes that apply to UK airports in the future. Taking advantage of the latest advancements, such as developments in screening technology, will help in further improving the already high standards of airport security here in the UK.

Streamlining the rules

Transport Secretary Mark Harper stated: “Smaller items of products like deodorants, toothpaste and shower gel have become a staple of airport security checkpoints, but that’s all set to change. I’m streamlining cabin bag rules at airports while enhancing security.”  

Harper continued: “By 2024, major airports across the UK will have the latest security technology installed, thereby reducing the times that people have to queue. This is going to improve the passenger experience and enhance security teams’ abilities to detect potential threats.”  

Further, Harper noted: “Of course, this will not happen immediately. It’s going to take two years for full implementation. Until then, passengers must continue following the existing rules and check security rules before travelling.”

Current regime

Passengers are currently required to remove tablet computers, laptops and liquids from their cabin luggage, while liquids of any kind are limited to 100 ml and must be placed in a clear plastic bag. This requirement will eventually be lifted and the 100 ml liquid container limit extended to two litres.

Airports now have until June 2024 to upgrade their screening equipment and processes. Until then, passengers must follow the same rules as now until further notice or unless told otherwise. Crucially, they should check with their specific airport before travelling to see which rules are in place.  

They should also check the rules for carrying liquids at any airport through which they may transfer during their journey and at their return airport as many destinations may not have implemented this new technology.

Response from airport operators

Christopher Snelling, policy director at the Airport Operators Association, responded: “The investment in next generation security by the UK’s airport operators will provide a great step forward for UK air travel, serving to match the Best-in-Class around the world. It will make journeys through the UK’s airports easier and air travel itself more pleasant.”

The new deadline follows several trials conducted at some airports since 2018, which have demonstrated the effectiveness of this new screening equipment. The latter employs counter-terrorism X-ray technology to essentially provide a 3D image of what’s in passengers’ bags, as well as deploying highly advanced threat detection algorithms. Similar technology changeovers are taking place in many countries globally, with airports such as Schiphol in the Netherlands and those in the US now also making use of the technology.

Snelling concluded: “Investing in this new technology will further enhance our airport security teams’ abilities to detect prohibited items, but with greater convenience for passengers. The current liquids rules, which were introduced back in 2006 following a terrorist threat, have been designed to stop those with hostile intent from carrying liquids-based explosives on board aircraft.”

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