The Benefits Of Using SIA Licensed Staff

The Security Industry Authority (SIA) is getting tough on unlicensed guards and securing successful prosecutions against the agencies who supply them. There have been several notable cases recently, including fines handed down to two security agencies over their use of unlicensed guards.

There have been several high profile prosecutions recently in the UK involving the provision of unlicensed security staff in various settings, one at a centre for vulnerable young adults!

So apart from staying on the right side of the law, what are the benefits of using SIA licensed staff?

Trained Staff

All our SIA licensed staff have undergone initial training both internally and by an external verification body. All staff are also entered into our internal development program which provides progressive training and opportunities for promotion within the company.

Best practice and quality of service

Our SIA licensed staff operate within strict policies and codes of conduct at all times which means whatever type of event or assignment you may have, we are able to guarantee a very high level of service is provided for the duration.

Create Your Brand

Watchful Eye Security SIA licensed guards can add value to your branding campaign; While we are assigned to your event or premises, we represent you in the best possible way.

The only way to success

If you have a security requirement in the UK, you have a legal requirement to use SIA licensed staff. This is a huge positive for all involved as being recognised as a profession, security officers not only ensure the security of an event or premises but can also enhance the user experience. Watchful Eye Security Ltd provide free advice, assessments and quotations. Please contact us for further information or download our free brochure

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