Why become a security guard?

Whether it’s embarking on a new path or a strategic career change, Watchful Eye Security Ltd have some great positions working on interesting assignments.

Are you considering becoming a security guard but aren’t sure this is the right fit for you? Security guards play a critical role in keeping people, businesses, and communities safe.

But the job isn’t only meaningful. It also happens to offer a few valuable perks.

Great Job Prospects

Security is a rapidly growing industry where your employment is secure for as long as you want it!


One of the main advantages of working as a security guard is that you can choose your own hours and work full-time or part-time based on your availability.

What’s more, a career as a security guard allows you to work independently or as part of a team. This means that if you prefer to work autonomously, you can find a role that will enable you to make your own decisions and work independently. But if you love to collaborate and solve problems with the support of a team, you can find roles that allow you to do just that too.


As a security guard, your job is to help people feel safe and protect them against potential threats. By guarding property and protecting people, you’ll be contributing to the well-being of your community and helping its members thrive.

So, if you’re passionate about making others feel safe physically and mentally and want to make a difference, you’ll find that a career as a security guard can be extremely fulfilling and rewarding.

Career Progression

While you might enjoy the job so much that you’re happy to build a lifelong career as a security guard, the training you’ll receive will allow you to be versatile and apply to other types of jobs down the road.

For instance, if you’re aiming for a job in law enforcement or consulting, starting as a security guard could be a great stepping stone. Some of the jobs you could perform after training and gaining experience as a security guard include security supervisor, manager and director.


What if you could learn a new job while gaining key life skills that could save your life and that of your loved ones one day?

That’s precisely what training as a security guard can help you with!

As a security guard, you’ll be given crisis training to learn how to diffuse and handle threats and hostile behaviours. You’ll also learn how to protect yourself and others, provide first aid, prevent, contain, and safely put out fires and deal with emergencies.

If you are ready to examine fresh horizons and new possibilities, take a look at our current vacancies.

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