Empty buildings are more likely to be targeted for theft, vandalism, and squatting, so if you haven’t taken steps to deter these threats, security will be a top concern. Some general property risks, from leaks to flooding, fire damage and even theft, can happen whether a building is occupied or not. However, once a place is empty, the risks and potential for extra financial headaches go up significantly.

Watchful Eye Security Ltd provide community security resources to support business and residential property and here are some helpful tips on how to secure yours.

Lock it Up

Ensuring that all windows and doors are locked may seem elementary, but it’s always worth checking that those easy-to-forget access points like the window above a toilet, or a garage door, are secure. If the doors and windows are locked internally, it may be worth investing in heavy bolts and padlocks that can be easily seen from the street. Ostentatious locks will not only improve your security but make the building resemble Fort Knox—always a good look for a vacant property!

Prompt Waste Removal

Nothing says ‘vandalise me’ like a property strewn with litter. Not only can waste become hazardous to the public if left unchecked, but it can encourage illegal behaviour on your property. Of course, keeping your vacant property free of waste might seem pointless when nobody’s home, but the converse is also true: visible waste on a property is one of the main symptoms of neglect, a key signal to passers-by that nobody is home. To ensure that your property invites only the right kind of attention, it’s essential to either regularly clear the property of waste yourself or enlist professional site clearance or waste removal services to take care of the property for you, and ensure it looks well maintained.

Install Alarms and CCTV

Many property owners go the low-cost route of erecting signage claiming that alarms and CCTV are in action when in fact there is no such surveillance system in place. While this may fool some would-be intruders, it will certainly not fool them all. Depending on factors like the neighbourhood and the size and type of building, you may find that either an alarm system or CCTV (or both) is necessary to secure your property. A mobile alarm system, ideally one equipped with infra-red sensors, means we will be alerted to any unauthorised access, prompting an immediate response. 

Fence the Perimeter

Security fencing can be a useful measure if your property is in a crime-prone neighbourhood or industrial area, where intruders are unlikely to be disturbed or even noticed by passers-by. Security fences provide that extra barrier that could make the difference, especially if you opt for a fierce-looking fence!

Contact us to discuss your building security requirements.