Anyone in the construction business knows that building site security can be one of the biggest headaches of the job. A staggering £1 million worth of plant and equipment is stolen each week in the UK, with less than 10 per cent being recovered by the police.

Construction sites are a target for organised and opportunistic thieves and present life-threatening risks to intruders, including children.

With high-value machinery located on site 24 hours a day, companies, which have not paid enough attention to construction site security, will find themselves the object of unwanted attention from thieves and vandals.  Besides, building sites, where construction activities are not adequately controlled, put their occupants’ health and lives at risk. As a result, absence of proper security measures can lead to costs associated with dealing with a civil claim and to a loss of reputation.

One of the key principles is to employ security officers to carryout crime prevention and safety patrols across the site.

Among our list of tips, its vital that you display warning notices stating security precautions are in force without providing specific details.

Theft is common.

The high value of construction plant and materials and the nature of a construction site, with
its constant change and movement make this crime tempting for the opportunistic, as well as the carefully planned crime.


Is also common and may occur as a result of political or commercial concerns on the part of the
perpetrators as well of mindless lust for damage and destruction.

Ensuring security on the construction site, however, can be a challenging task as thieves are usually well-versed with stealing and disposing of construction site inventory. Very often stolen assets are ready to be taken outside the country within the next 24 hours. This is why the recovery rates were rather low in the past. However, nowadays the situation has improved due to the fact that construction industry began taking advantage of security solutions offered by professional security companies.

Having a system of comprehensive security solutions in place is one of the most effective measures in asset protection on building sites. Through choosing up-to-date building site security from a reputable firm, such as Accent on Security, construction companies will be able to go about their job in the knowledge that their site is in safe hands.

Secure the Perimeter

You will not be able to protect anything if you haven’t decided what specific area you are protecting. It is important that you create a perimeter around the construction site and, if possible, put fences to make the boundary clear. This way, all your construction equipment, tools, and supplies will be placed in a safe place, and you wouldn’t have to worry much about it. Putting barriers or walls around the boundary will also discourage trespassers and thieves from entering the construction site.

Lights Are Helpful

Most construction companies work in the daylight and need strict security during the dark of the night. Protecting your construction materials in the dark of the night is never easy, but you can make a huge difference by doing small things like installing lights. If you install a few bright lights around your construction site and leave them on throughout the night, it will be less likely to attract any trespassers or vandals. They refrain from entering a well-lit property because of the fear of getting caught. So, if you are keeping your equipment in the dark at night, it is time you install some lights.

Site staff awareness

  • Consider making members of staff personally responsible for company equipment they use.
  • Ensure everyone on site is aware of company policy and familiar with site security procedures.
  • Inform all staff that you expect them to report suspicious incidents and that all information will be treated in confidence.
  • If any equipment is stolen, you should report the theft immediately to the police, giving as much as information as possible about the missing items.

Talk to us about securing your construction site within an affordable and practical budget.