From toys to advanced professionally operated equipment, drones are now a common sight in our skies but can also pose a threat to the vast majority of security operations.

The increasing use UAV’s (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for commercial enterprise has been predicted to grow exponentially. PricewaterhouseCoopers are predicting the global market for commercial UAV applications to be worth $127 billion by 2020. There are already more drones in the world than all of the manned aircraft that have ever existed in the history of the world combined.

Drones have huge potential for the technologically advancement of business and commercial operations. The question that arises is to what extent does new unmanned technology challenge traditional security concepts of vulnerability and risk?

Drone cameras now have high optical zoom and infra-red capability. This enhanced zoom functionality provides eyes on target up to distances of 3 miles and night flight surveillance and reconnaissance ability. In addition modern CoTs can fly at speeds in excess of 40 miles per hour with altitudes making them difficult to see.

Open source information illustrates how UAV’s are being used by criminals for ISR (intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance) capability and smuggling of contraband over prison walls.

Given their retail availability, lack of verified identification requirement to procure and general ease of use, drones deny the frontline security operative exclusive access into places that have been defined as secure and protected. Without the ability to mitigate against aerial perimeter breaches criminals and non-state actors can access places security staff can’t protect.

Drone Control ( aims to create an environment and infrastructure within the legal and regulatory framework that and provides reassurance on societal concerns of safety, security, privacy, data protection.

They are a trusted adviser on aerial security, our surveillance drones provide our clients with detailed reporting and our expertise enable us to advise appropriate security risk mitigation recommendations.

If you have a business or residential premises and have concerns about arial threats or any other aspect of security, talk to one of our experts as Watchful Eye Security Ltd.