Watchful Eye Security provide canine security services to a wide range of clients, for both general and specific requirements.

In the private security industry, we generally associate dog handlers with patrolling, searches, alarm response and supporting security officers in the event of an incident.

Guard dogs also have recognised preventative value. Given a choice between targeting one premises or another the presence of guard dogs will certainly be a serious factor for any criminal planning.

Although some activities are only carried out by trained police or military personnel, the role of the private security industry is rapidly expanding and the role of the dog handler as specialist is bound to develop within that trend.

The use of canine security is often part of a multi-layered approach which can adapt to meet new challenges without disrupting business. A security regime which includes the use of security dog patrols can assist in that multi-layered security approach in many ways.

We have fully licensed security dog handlers available to secure sites and events. Contact us for a quotation or to discuss your requirements.